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CHRISTMAS LUNCH ON JESUS | St Peters in the City, Derby


Each year Christmas Lunch on Jesus provides Christmas boxes containing turkey, vegetables, potatoes, gravy, Christmas pudding, crackers, chocolates… everything you need for a really enjoyable Christmas lunch. We distribute boxes to families and individuals on low income who otherwise would struggle to afford a Christmas meal. Each box also contains a candle, a booklet about the meaning of Christmas, and an invite to Christmas services in Derby.

To celebrate our link between Derby and Calcutta Cathedral and City Centre churches, we’re also partnering with friends there to provide Christmas boxes for some of the poorest people in Calcutta’s slums, containing rice, lentils, dahl, biscuits, sweets… a Christmas feast for those who live in poverty on a daily basis. We’ll also be including a celebration candle and a New Testament.


We need your help!

Come and help pack and deliver boxes at St. Peter’s in December. For more information, and to volunteer, please contact Hilary Streek, Christmas Lunch on Jesus Project Administrator on 01332 360790 or use the form below and we’ll be touch.

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Make a donation

Please consider sponsoring a Christmas meal for a family in Calcutta and Derby for £30, or give whatever you can afford. You can donate online using the form below or send a cheque made payable to St. Peter’s Church (please write ‘Christmas Lunch on Jesus’ on the back) and send to:

Christmas Lunch on Jesus
c/o St. Peter’s in the City
St. Peter’s Street



£9,983 of £15,000 raised

Please consider sponsoring a Christmas meal for a family in Calcutta and Derby for £30, or give whatever you can afford.

Select Payment Method
Personal Info

Donation Total: £15.00